our rehearsal rhythm //
weekly rehearsals take place on two nights, with 50% of the group meeting on Monday evenings, and the other 50% on Tuesday evenings. both sessions take place on hills road in cambridge - mondays at the perse, and tuesdays at hills road 6th form college. the sessions typically run in sync with school terms and from 7.30pm - 9.15pm, but can stretch a little longer closer to gigs. in total, we rehearse about 40 weeks of the year.
sunday sessions take place once a month (apart from August), and feature the full group, with the band joining the closer we get to gigs. they typically run from 2.15pm - 5.45pm with a good break in the middle. these take place in a variety of locations across cambridge.
occasionally we’ll meet on thursday evenings. like all the regular rehearsals, these are set before the start of each term, and like sunday sessions run in a variety of locations across cambridge.
// find out about trying us out here.